+41 44 202 52 52


+41 44 202 52 52


About us.

We are a Zurich-based consulting boutique focused on organizational development.

Meet our team
Get to know our values
Read our sustainability commitment
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We primarily support international organizations in dynamic environments.

Icon founded

Founded in 2012

Icon consultants

25+ Consultants

Icon growth

Steady, mindful growth

Icon international impact

International impact

Icon map

Zurich, Switzerland

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Our culture

Over the years we’ve built a culture of trust, support, and flexibility. We work hard to create an inspiring business environment, and we love to share that with our colleagues and clients.

VL UNT PVL 1410025 bearbeitet

Our culture

Over the years we’ve built a culture of trust, support, and flexibility. We work hard to create an inspiring business environment, and we love to share that with our colleagues and clients.

Our values

Our values are central to everything we do. We are constantly sharpening and developing them so they always remain relevant for our team of highly independent, strong personalities.

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We can’t stand sitting still. Instead, we push forward, support one another, learn, and thrive.

Icon caring

Consulting is a people business. We care for each other, our clients, and the environment we create together.

Icon substance

A project isn’t finished until it delivers real impact to the client. Words and ideas aren’t enough – it has to be something that can be put into use.

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Our commitment to sustainability

Were helping to build a future in which societal, environmental, and economic considerations are balanced with the pursuit of improved quality of life. Its something we work towards every day.

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  • We balance societal, environmental, and economic considerations at PvL Partners.
  • We use our business architecting expertise to help our clients do the same.
  • We partner with the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein and others to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
VL UNT PVL 1409321 bearbeitet VL UNT PVL 1409807

Our commitment to sustainability

Were helping to build a future in which societal, environmental, and economic considerations are balanced with the pursuit of improved quality of life. Its something we work towards every day.

  • We balance societal, environmental, and economic considerations at PvL Partners.
  • We use our business architecting expertise to help our clients do the same.
  • We partner with the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein and others to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Our team

We've grown consistently and mindfully since our inception in 2012. Our team consists of 25+ consultants with a wide range of skills and a real depth of experience.

We are a team of management consultants, business architects, organizational developers, and storytelling experts. We are also beach volleyballers, mountaineers, rowers, dancers, runners, podcast addicts, hobby sommeliers, amateur food critics, globetrotters, semi-professional gardeners, designers, mothers, and fathers. And we look forward to getting to meet you.

Adolfo van Lamsweerde Portraitfoto klein 2

Adolfo van Lamsweerde

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Clemens Holst Portraitfoto klein

Clemens Holst

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Florence Ngyuen Portraitfoto klein 2

Florence Nguyen

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Gian Zihlmann Portraitfoto klein

Gian Zihlmann

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Harald Port Portraitfoto klein

Harald Port

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Jasmin Hettesheimer Portraitfoto klein

Jasmin Hettesheimer

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Johanna Boyer Portraitfoto2 klein

Johanna Boyer

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Kerstin Langhart Portraitfoto klein

Kerstin Langhart

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Lea Sörensen Portraitfoto cut klein 2

Lea Sørensen

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Lisa Strub Portraitfoto klein 2

Lisa Strub

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Livia Beroggi Portraitfoto klein

Livia Beroggi

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Mirjam Umbricht Portraitfoto klein 2

Mirjam Umbricht

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Nadine Jorg Portraitfoto

Nadine Jorg

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Nadine Fritschi Portraitfoto

Nadine Fritschi

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Nicola Spescha Portraitfoto Kopie

Nicola Spescha

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Pascal Flory Portraitfoto klein

Pascal Flory

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Pascal Büeler fern klein

Pascal Büeler

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Patrick Kiener Portraitfoto klein 2

Patrick Kiener

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Philipp Schaltegger

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Pia Schlichtenmaier Portraitfoto

Pia Schlichtenmaier

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Vanessa Graf Portraitfoto klein

Vanessa Graf

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Bildschirmfoto 2024 08 05 um 11 56 46

Wanja Bont

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Yara Da Cruz Portraitfoto1

Yara Da Cruz

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